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Russ Harris

Russ Harris

Trauma-focused ACT (TFACT): working with body, mind and emotion

An in-depth, integrated approach to healing from trauma with world renowned ACT trainer Dr. Russ Harris. Stockholm, May 22-23, 2025.

Trauma-focused ACT

Discover cutting-edge strategies for healing the past, living in the present, and building a new future

If you want to help your clients find safety and security in their bodies, unlearn old physical responses to trauma, overcome hyperarousal and hypoarousal, shift from self-hatred to self-compassion, work mindfully with body memory, break free from dissociation, and learn how to build develop rich and meaningful lives? Then this 2-day masterclass is for you.

This advanced-level ACT training is intensely practical, with a major emphasis on working with the body and limbic system. Sadly many therapists don’t realise that ACT is a powerful somatic therapy, ideal for working flexibly and creatively with the body (which is, of course, where so much trauma is “imprinted”). This masterclass will show you how to use ACT in a deeper, holistic, integrative way, to work flexibly with body, mind and emotion.

What is trauma-focused ACT?

Trauma-Focused ACT (TFACT) is a flexible, comprehensive approach model for treating the entire spectrum of trauma-related issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addiction, depression, anxiety disorders, moral injury, chronic pain, shame, suicidality, insomnia, complicated grief, attachment issues, sexual problems, and more.

This is what you can look forward to

In this two-day advanced level training, you’ll discover cutting-edge strategies for healing the past, living in the present, and building a new future. With this compassion-based, exposure-centered approach, you’ll learn how to help your clients:

Who is this training for?

This course is for practitioners working with trauma with a least a beginners-level knowledge in ACT. 

This course will help you become more flexible, fluent and creative in ACT, so you can work effectively not just with PTSD but with the entire spectrum of trauma-related issues: simple, complex, acute or chronic.

Here's what you'll learn:

And you’ll also learn about:

And this too:

And, as if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also discover:

MEET your trainer

Russ Harris

Dr Russ Harris, author of the best-selling self-help book ‘The Happiness Trap‘, is an internationally-renowned trainer of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT). Russ’s background is in medicine. As a GP he became increasingly interested in the psychological aspects of health and wellbeing, and increasingly disenchanted with writing prescriptions. Ultimately this interest led to a total career change, and he now works in two different, yet complementary roles: both as a therapist and as a coach.

Since 2005, Russ has run over 800 two-day workshops and provided ACT training for 80,000 health professionals. He has authored four ACT textbooks (ACT Made Simple, Trauma Focused ACT, Getting Unstuck in ACT, ACT Questions & Answers), and four ACT-based self-help books (The Happiness Trap, The Reality Slap, The Confidence Gap and ACT with Love). In addition, he has co-authored two other self-help books: The Weight Escape and The Happiness Trap Pocketbook. His best-known book, The Happiness Trap, has sold over one million copies worldwide, with translations into more than 30 languages.

Russ Harris - ACT for trauma

unique training opportunity with

Russ Harris

Russ has a unique model for training, which he calls ‘ACT Made Simple’, because it covers so much material in a short space of time. He proudly proclaims each workshop a ‘jargon-free zone’ – and bases his training on three core values: simplicity, clarity, and having fun. His highly-acclaimed ACT workshops are brief, powerful, cost-effective and life-enhancing. Participants regularly report not only major improvements in their therapy and/or coaching, but also in their personal lives – and evaluation forms frequently praise his ability to make complex ideas seem very simple.


We've got some bonuses for you

Russ Harris - ACT for trauma

Articles, protocols, and research data on the clinical use of ACT with trauma

Russ Harris - ACT for trauma

An 8-week e-course after the workshop for ongoing learning

Russ Harris - ACT for trauma

Detailed handouts covering a wide array of useful ACT interventions

Russ Harris - ACT for trauma

Scripts for a wide range of experiential exercises

Russ Harris - ACT for trauma

A variety of useful client worksheets

Russ Harris - ACT for trauma

MP3 recordings of key mindfulness exercises

What they say

Testimonials from this amazing workshop


Fabulous workshop, best I have ever attended. It was both inspiring and entertaining and I found it refreshing to find a presenter who was so honest in his presentation. I came away with a good balance of theoretical understanding and practical skills that I can apply to improve my own life as well as in my work with clients. I would highly recommend it to others.

— Sarah Marshall, Psychologist, Sydney


One of the best workshops I’ve ever been to! This has been a fantastic experience for me, both professionally and personally. The mixture of theory, interspersed with many practical skill exercises & handouts has helped me to discover new strategies for dealing with my own struggles and for assisting my clients to live the lives they want to.

— Sharon Clifford, Psychologist, Melbourne


This workshop was life-changing professionally and personally. The way the workshop was presented was superb. It not only explained the concepts of ACT well, it also demonstrated the strength of ACT through role-play and real life situations. Thank you for providing such a powerful and inspirational learning environment.

— Caroline Jones, Psychologist, Wollongong

Will you join us?

What is your investment in learning an in-depth, integrated approach to healing from trauma?

7990 SEK + moms

Här & nu erbjudande: ta med en kollega till halva priset​

In this two-day advanced level training, you’ll discover cutting-edge strategies for healing the past, living in the present, and building a new future.

This training takes place at Ersta Konferens & Hotell in Stockholm, Sweden.

Your investment is SEK 7990 + moms. 

You can pay by card or by invoice.

This course is for practitioners working with trauma with a least a beginners-level knowledge in ACT. 

How it works

This is what happens when you register:


When you register you choose how you’d like to pay. Once you’ve done that, you are in!

Check your e-mail

An invoice or receipt is sent to your e-mail along with all of the practical information.


Dance and celebrate as if nobody’s watching! You made the right decision.

Free webinar with Russ Harris & Rikke Kjelgaard

Vanliga frågor

Om du har frågorna, så har jag svaren

Vanliga frågor

Kursen äger rum kl. 9:00-16:00 den 22-23e maj 2025

Kursen äger rum på Ersta Hotell & Konferens.

Erstagatan 1K, 11628 Stockholm.

I kursavgiften ingår frukost, lunch och eftermiddagssnacks.

Dessutom får du ett antal bonusar efter kursen.

Kursen är för dig som använder samtalet som verktyg och möter personer som har upplevt trauma.

Du bör åtminstone ha deltagit i en ACT-kurs (med Rikke Kjelgaard, Russ Harris eller annan arrangör).

Du bör också ha läst en grundläggande bok om ACT.

Vi rekommenderar att du läser Rikke Kjelgaards bok: “Samtal som förändrar – en guide till ACT i praktiken”.

När du har läst en grundläggande bok om ACT, rekommenderar vi också att du läser Russ Harris bok om ACT för trauman. En länk till den skickas i bekräftelsemejlet du får när du har anmält dig.

Du kan välja att betala med kort eller faktura. Det gör du på betalingssidan.

Ja, det kan du om du betalar med kort. Där kan du välja att betala i 1, 2 eller 3 rater.

Längst ner på betalningssidan klickar du på “betala med faktura” och fyller i alla uppgifter. Lätt som en plätt!

Det innebär att för varje 2 personer ni anmäler, betalar ni bara halva priset för en av dem.

  • Om ni anmäler er 2 personer, betalar ni för 1,5.
  • Om ni anmäler er 3 personer, betalar ni för 2,5.
  • Om ni anmäler er 4 personer, betalar ni för 3 – alltså full pris för 2 deltagare och halva priset för 2.

Ju fler ni är, desto mer sparar ni tillsammans!

Observera: Erbjudandet gäller endast om ni anmäler er samtidigt och på samma faktura/kvitto.



Det är begränsat antal platser på kursen.


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